Monday, August 16, 2010

Seriously..I love carbs

As I sit here and daydream about mashed potatoes covered and gravy with big buttery biscuits I try and remember that I am doing this for a reason lol. I am currently on Phase 2 of my Slim in 6 dvd..It's My body is changing right before me eyes and it is weird sometimes..My stomach is getting smaller but it's weird seeing muscle under the excess skin lol.

Yes mom, I know my bed is not made lol. Focus! 
So a lot of people have asked me what I eat. I eat a variety of things. I was sticking mainly to nonfat, low calorie, but I change it up too. I think that a lot of people burn out on diets because they try to stick to an exact plan and get burned out easily. It's not about eating exactly one cup of tuna a day, or two banana's, etc. It's about a lifestyle change. Sometimes I have oatmeal for breakfast, sometimes I have fruit, sometimes yogurt. I usually snack on pretzels or salt free crackers, (or a snickers bar) lol. I give in to my cravings every once in a while or I would go crazy. And it works for me. 

Subway helps me change it up when I get bored. There are so many healthy choices there. For dinner I eat turkey burgers and vegetables or chicken or just a sandwich or Smart Ones frozen meal. I don't count calories or carbs. I eat when  I am hungry. I drink water allllll day long. I drink Vitamin water zero (less calories) and V8 Juice. 

The point is, I don't stick to a stringent diet. I changed my food lifestyle. And after a few months, my friends, family and co workers got used to it. I am worried about football season coming up though...I loooove me some football food and drinks during Sooner games ..=/ We'll see how it goes

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