Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Journey

I am going to start blogging about my weight loss because I think it will help keep me motivated to keep trying harder to be healthy everyday. So where else do you start but at the beginning ? =)

When you are the chunkiest of three teensy sisters, you are never quite sure where it all began. I've always just thought I was bigger. Even when I was younger and was in no way fat, I always obsessed over the idea that I was.

I started my first crash diet the summer after my sophomore year..We called it the "grapefruit diet". It consisted of ten days of nothing but salad, bacon, eggs, and grapefruit..It was not good lol. I always dropped a few pounds but nothing really significant. So I started working out.. A lot. I played tennis and that kept me in decent shape throughout high school..Granted, I still thought I was a monster because I was never the petite, small boned, small chested girl.. I was just ..thick.

So needless to weight has been on my mind probably since about the age of 12 and on. I went to college, quit working out, became best friends with my local Jack in the Box and by the time I was 19 I had gained almost 45 lbs. I went from a size 8 to a size 14 in one year. I stayed at that weight until I got pregnant in 2005. Luckily I only added about 15 more pounds with my pregnancy. When my son was about 6 months I had gotten back down to a size 14 but still weighed about 190 lbs.. once I stopped breast feeding the weight went back up..again..

I didn't care enough about myself to do anything about it.. I hated it but I had given up and just lived with the summer of 2009 I got pregnant again, but lost the baby and almost my life to an eptopic pregnancy. The sadness consumed me and I again just did not care what I looked like..I was empty inside. I had reached 230 pounds.

That was it...I couldn't do it anymore..I was disgusted with myself and the direction my life was going.. I was depressed, and a little lost. A friend had posted some pics of his amazing weight loss and it inspired me. I asked him for his secret and he introduced me to Slim in 6. A workout program from Beach I was hooked. It was not a hard work out and I could do it at home. I modified my diet and started working out and it is now July and I am halfway to my goal ..

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