Saturday, September 17, 2011

Change is scary...Right?

So here in about 3 months I will be celebrating the first anniversary of my 29th birthday...ahem the big 3..0.. I am soooo not a fan of this but have decided that if I must be 30 I am at least going to do it looking good. AND HAPPY. There are so many areas of my life that I am happy with and some that I am not so happy with. For instance, I have worked at the same job for the past 11 years. Not a bad thing. But it's not my dream job. I think it took me 11 years to wake up and realize what it was I actually wanted to do. Now that I know, I am going to pursue it. Scary? oh my yes. Impossible? Nope.

I also want to be done with weight loss and just maintaining during the first year of my 30's..Ugh I hate saying 30's lol. But no seriously, I don't want to be dieting like crazy and working out like a loon every day for the rest of my life. Eat healthy? sure. Exercise? of course, but not to the extent that I am doing now. SO I have a 3 month goal to lose the last 15-20 pounds of grossness. 3 months of exercising, eating right, drinking a LOT of water, and trying to remain stress free. Stress causes weight gain. True story. I will be loading some before and after pics in about 3 weeks. I will of course keep my readers updated on my progress. All 3 of you =P  Wish me luck! This is a picture I had taken last year around this time. I plan on doing another shoot for my birthday =)


  1. 30 isn't as bad as you think it is! (says the woman who will be celebrating the 5th anniversary of her 29th birthday in Jan lol).
    It's never too late to pursue the job or career that you want! With the deication you have had with your weight loss, I know you will succeed!
    Good luck with your 3 month weight loss goal, I am sure you will hit it, I can't wait to see your pictures from your next photo shoot!

  2. Tis' scary!! I know you can do what you set your mind to!!
