Friday, December 30, 2011

What if I'm never thin?!

 This week has been an eye opener for me. Have you ever wanted to do something just to prove that you can? I have spent years and years avoiding issues. It's what I do best. I am one of the most non confrontational people I know. I let things stew inside me and eat me alive for a while until one thing just hits the wrong way and I explode. So on the outside I come across as somewhat of a butt kisser because it's easier for me to just say "I'm right on top of it, whatever you need" than to say "Wait a minute,no.." It's kind of how I have handled my lifelong journey of weight issues as well. Sure, I'm all over it! I'm working on it! Whatever you need. But I'm not. I'm not dealing with the real issue because that is painful, and who wants to deal with pain when it's so easy to avoid it?  Behind every obese person there is a reason for that obesity. Sure genetics play a factor, but genetics didn't put on all that weight...we did. Not only did we do it to ourselves but something had to have happened to trigger it. I've been doing some soul searching this week to figure out what my trigger was. The easy answer is the fact that I've never dealt with the fact that my grandfather died and I felt abandoned and alone on the inside for a long time. However, that's not it, because I have been struggling with my weight since high school. Since junior high..Since elementary school.

Digging more and more into my past and my weight issues I think I have finally solved the equation. I will NEVER be...a tiny girl. You know the girls I'm talking about..The ones who are just blessed thin.

See the first girl? That girl is the reason for my weight issues, because NO matter HOW much I work out or how much weight I lose I will NEVER look like this girl. Growing up with three sisters who did look like this girl confused me as a child, angered me as a teen, and depressed me as an adult. I never truly got it through my head that I am quite simply not built that way. And why not?! We have similar genes, why did I get the fat one? And honestly, I think my mom was a tad confused herself. It was like we both thought that I just wasn't trying hard enough to be thin. As my sweet boyfriend likes to put it, I'm a "farm girl".. I am other words, my body puts muscle on fast and regardless of how small I get I will always have broad shoulders and arm and leg muscles like a gymnast. Don't even get me started on my chest and face. My face is round and people say I was "blessed" with Pamela Anderson's fake boobs....I despise them but they are a part of me and unless I become a millionaire and buy myself a new body they are not going anywhere.

Bottom line, I woke up this morning and just decided that I can't be that thin girl, but I sure as heck was going to try and be as fit and thin as possible for my frame because I want to see what my body CAN look like.  Do I enjoy dieting and working out? About as much as I would enjoy being burned alive...But I will not quit, I will not give up, I will have setbacks, but I will get back on track. Impossible just became my new favorite word.


  1. Awww Stacy, I wish you lived closer...I need to experience this inspiration. I have no one to help me along and it gets quite hard a lot of the times.. I am an emotional eater. Can you show me how to make a blog like this?

  2. The one on the left is a bit too thin for me. The one on the middle, that my prize winner ;)

    In any case the funny thing for me that I have yet to escape is how growing up I was either always ugly, unmanly, unfit, then I had my fat phase where my mother constantly called me fat. So with so many issues where I was put down for what I looked like growing up, either at home or at school, I obsessed (and today I still do obsess) about trying to look acceptable as my effort to be good enough. Who for? I don't know, but I need to be good enough is the programming in my head. I thought when my mother died a year and half ago, that would put my mind at ease. Then I got married, thinking my life was on the up and up and I could relax. Then I split up with my wife this year as she betrayed me. That sent me on a downward spiral. I am a train wreck with my obsession to not be looked at as ugly. Obsessing with what I eat at times, obsessing with my workouts, obsessing with my appearance. It is a battle that I can't step out of.

  3. I thougth you were going to quit. I was fat as a kid, my entire family is fat. In high school I decided to take my life back and get in shape. It's a constant battle. In 2009, I got up to 230, again I was a bit chubby and I made a point to get into shape again. I got ton190 and 13% body fat, but I'll never look like a Calvin c
    Klein model, but I'm fit enough to get compliments for the work I put into staying fit. That's good enough. Stacey, you have made some great progress, just keep working on it. I think you can look like the girl in the middle or some where in between the girl in the middle and the girl on the right. Just set some achievable goals for the new year and hit them.

  4. I completely understand where you are coming from Bicep..My whole life has been a sad story that I hae built in my head about never being good enough. I am just now getting over that.

    And Will, I did give up a little. After the miscarriage earlier this year I put on some emotional eating weight and was just frustrated with my body. However watching old episodes of Biggest Loser and understanding exactly what I needed to do got me back on the right track. I am ready for this now I think

  5. Definitely congratulations on making progress getting over the 'not good enough' issue. I, on the other hand, have moved on to becoming a circus freak lol.

    I unfortunately am related to way too many photogenic people (my mother's side of the family). Too many cousins who could be models and pretty much making me wonder if I was adopted. I completely disowned all my blood relatives. I eliminated any and all communication with them. They definitely did not help matters.

    The worst thought I can't seem to shake from my head is thinking that my wife might not have betrayed me if I was better looking. That one thought has pretty much conquered me altogether. I do not take any joy at all in getting divorced again. I am doing it because it needed to be done before things got worse. But watching yet another marriage dissolve, there are no words I can put to that.

    Like the adage goes: wives last the length of a marriage, ex-wives last your whole life.
